Back-to-School Monday: Preparing for a New School Year

10:00 AM

It's that time of year once again. This is also my favorite time of year! Back to School season! For the rest of the month, you can expect new school and college related post every Monday for the rest of August! Starting with today, where we talk about how to prepare for a new school year.

On many college blogs, we talk about the many ways you can do well in school. As a matter of fact, I did a post about last year. But, doing well in school doesn't just miraculously happen. It takes time and most importantly, it takes preparation. So, I'm going to give you some really great tips on how to prepare to do well.

Have a Positive Mindset

I find that this is one of the most important steps in setting yourself up for success, in academics, and in life. If you go into the semester knowing that you are capable of doing well and promise to do your best, it can give you a little boost.

This isn't to say that you should make unachievable or unrealistic goals. Which leads me to my next point.

Make Realistic Goals

By this I mean, make goals that you know you can achieve. If you make unrealistic goals, you are more likely to not meet them and feel more disappointment. So, to combat this, make small achievable goals and know that some take more time to reach than other. And that's okay.

Know Who Your Professors Are

You don't have to email your professors this early unless your waitlisted for a class, but know who your professor is before you get to the first class. That way when your first class is done you can say hello and introduce yourself. 

It never hurts to know who you'll be leaving your work with for almost 18 weeks.

Find Out Where Your Classes Are

Check your student center, or whatever your school uses for class registration, to find out where your classes will be. You can also look on your school's website for a map and then walk around and find out where your classes will be. That way, on the first day, you will know exactly where to go and can take your time getting there.

Look Up What Books You'll Need

There's still some time left until school starts, but if you can, I would highly recommend finding out what books you need. You can either use your school's bookstore website or contact your professors directly for a sneak peek of your semester syllabi. This will also save a lot of time when it comes to waiting and getting your homework done on time during the first week.

Those are all the tips I have for you today. Keep checking back for more tips throughout the month. Also, for 5 more tips, check here!

Let me know what you are doing to prepare for the coming semester and what kind of content you would like to see about college and school.

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