How to Prepare for a New Semester

12:23 PM

Happy New Year Everyone! I know I am extremely late on celebrating on this blog but I've been spending much needed time off trying to get my mental well-being back on track and also just relaxing. I really loved my Winter Break but I also love the beginning of a new semester because everything is a fresh start. After getting about a month off from school, I feel refreshed and ready to kick off another semester! Here are few ways that you can start preparing for a new semester!

Work on Your Planner

I love planners so much that you can call me a planner addict. Not only do I like how they look but they also allow me to plan ahead of time. So, at the beginning of each semester I mark off the days that my campus is closed for breaks or holidays. I use color coding and washi tape to mark those days off. I also color code my assignments for certain classes and times that I have work or appointments.

Use your Calendar

Although using a planner is great, the planner I am currently using isn't big enough for me to put down my class times, and I know that I will need a reminder of my class and work times for the first week or so. Personally, I use the Google Calendar app or my phone calendar to schedule the times that I have class, appointments, or work. Calendars are also good to use because you can color coordinate it to match your planner.

Check Your Syllabi

At my university, we have an online program that allows teachers to post their syllabi, lesson calendars, homework, class notes, etc. before the semester starts. If your university also has a program like this, I would suggest checking it before the semester starts and see if there is anything you can do to prepare for your classes such as buying textbooks or getting certain supplies.

Mentally Prepare Yourself

For me, this is a really important part of getting ready for a new semester. I did pretty bad last semester and for awhile, I was feeling bad about myself. So after talking to a few encouraging friends and family members, I realized that my grades and GPA do not define me. I also realized that the best thing I can do for myself is to forgive myself and move on with the goal of doing better in the future.

So there you have it, those are just a few of my tips for the next semester and hopefully they help! Let me know what you do to prepare for a new semester or any major event.

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