Tips for Running a School Organization

11:13 PM

Wow. I have been super M.I.A in the last month. After finishing up my summer courses and going back to school for training the weekend before move in and so on, I became extremely distracted and busy. That's no excuse but I hope it can help make things a little more understanding. So, now that I'm back at school, I am now the President of Japan Club on my campus. This is a huge accomplishment for me as a Japanese Language and Culture major. I was given this opportunity by the previous President from the 2014-2015 school year. Now that I am president, I have a lot of planning to do for events and creating agendas. With the experience I am gaining, here are a few tips for managing and running a school organization or club.

Make a Meeting Agenda

I cannot stress how important this is. The agenda is the only way that other club officers and/or members are going to know what is going to be covered so if they have any questions or comments they can be prepared. Making an agenda can also allow you to be more organized and prepared. How you choose to format it is up to you overall, it just makes life a little bit easier.

Use Social Media Accounts

If you are running an organization like a HerCampus Chapter you might need several social media accounts or if you're just a simple on-campus club you can stick with 2 or three at the most. Also, make sure that one of those accounts is an EMAIL. You don't want your or other officers personal email to be full of emails all the time. In addition, you don't have to have a Tumblr., website, Twitter, Facebook, AND Instagram. Just having a Facebook and twitter might be enough. It all depends on how big your club is and what the requirements are for your club from your school.

Utilize Your Communication Skills

I cannot stress this enough. Communication is what makes a club run smoothly. If you cannot communicate what you want or expect, then you're putting your club at risk of failure. This also applies to any and all members and club officers. Miscommunication is the leading reason for failures or mishaps. This is another time where a club agenda can come into play. It's another form of communication for your club.

Take Noted During Officer Meetings

This is a great tip for club secretaries! I mean, to put it bluntly, its your job to take notes and record things that happen or are said anyway. Sometimes the president or vice president gets distracted or busy and forgets to do something. This a great opportunity for you to show what you're capable of. Its also just good to have notes for your own personal record. I try to take notes before the meeting in purple and light blue after the meeting so I know if something changed or was clarified.

Use your Club Advisor

Advisors are a great resource for ideas, knowledge, or printing. They can suggest a great time for you to advertise. Maybe they'll invite you to come to their department meeting to let other teachers and professors know about your club so they can help you advertise. You have to have an advisor anyway, so you might is well use them in a time of need.
To conclude, make sure that you have fun with your club. Managing a club can be difficult and time consuming. Especially if you're a student and have other responsibilities. But, just try to make the most of it by creating bonds with people, learning new things, and teaching new things. Everyone is trying to find a place where they fit in so try to make your club one where everyone is welcomed, can learn, and have a lot of fun.

Feel free to let me know if there is anything you would like to see on my blog down in the comments and I'll do my best to get it done.

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