8 Things I Wish I Knew Before College

10:00 AM

College is an experience that is full of twist and turns. A lot of the time spent in college is about learning and trying new things. Here are 10 Things that I Wish I Knew Before College.

The Freshman 15 is REAL

The freshman 15 is not a myth or a joke. I wish I had of listened when I was warned. Don't let it catch up to you. Furthermore, try to get into the habit of eating right and exercising often because once you gain the weight, it's hard to lose it.

8 Hours of Sleep is a MUST

I know that staying up late, watching Netflix, or hanging out with friends on a Tuesday night sounds like a good idea, but it's not. Science has shown that young adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Science has also shown how lack of sleep can affect daily performance. Make sure you get that sleep and then you can have fun on the weekends!

Watch Out for the Caffeine

Speaking of sleep, try not to drink a lot of caffeinated beverages. For one, too much of it is not good for you. Secondly, it messes with your sleep schedule. Thirdly, you can become addicted or at the very least dependent on caffeine, which is also not good for you. Try drinking caffeine-free teas and other beverages, and don't forget to drink more water.

It's Okay to Do Badly Sometimes

If you're like me, you'll beat yourself up about not doing well in school every now and again. I had to learn that it's okay to not do well in school all the time. For example, not passing one quiz is not the worst thing ever. It's an opportunity to grow and should be treated as such.

Friends Come and Go

As an incoming freshman, I thought that everyone I met the first week would be my best friends, but that was not my reality. A lot of the people I met the first week, I don't talk to or remember now. It's normal and okay. It's best to come into college knowing that finding long-term friends will take some time and that's okay too.

Don't Worry About Majors

Even though it's important to be declared, it's not really something to worry about until your 2nd semester of your sophomore year. The first two years are spent taking G.E. courses and extracurricular. This is so you can find out what you like and what you might want to do later in life. So, don't fret if you don't know what you want to do when you enter college. You'll figure it out.

Ask for Help

If you need help with something, don't be afraid to ask for it. There is no shame in not knowing something. Everyone is in college to learn and gain knowledge. Therefore, ask questions and then pass on the knowledge. You might really help someone else out too.

Don't Give Up

Remember things like:

"I'm here to get a degree in something I love."
"This is for my future and myself."
"I have the potential to be successful."

It is really important that you stay motivated and remind yourself of why you're in school.

What are some things you wish you knew or want to know? Write it in the comments!

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