10 Things To-Do During the First Week of College

10:00 AM

The first week of school is around the corner and everyone is trying to get ready and prepared. Here are a few tips and fun things to do during your first week of college.

Be Open Minded

Having a positive and open mindset is the best way to start the academic year off right. If you let being in a funk or negative thoughts or people consume you, you might start believing it. Try to start off everyday your first week and beyond by reminding yourself that "You are loved and you can accomplish anything you put your mind to".

Also, be open-minded to new and different opinions. Not everyone is going to agree with you and vice versa. It is important to be patient and listen to the other people's thoughts.

Get Organized

Make sure your planner or calendar is ready for your first week. You can put in what times your classes are and where they are located. You can also try putting a small map in the back of the planner or in your phone, so if you get lost you can use the map as reference.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask Questions

A common misconception about college is that you can't ask questions. This is 100% false. Always feel free to ask questions. Everyone in college to learn, just like you. So, if you have a question; ask it! Someone will have the answer or at the very least be able to lead you to the answer.

Don't Be Afraid to Answer Questions

Now that you're not afraid of asking questions, try answering a few. Don't worry about making mistakes or having the wrong answer. Most people will think you're great for attempting to answer a question. Plus, it can show your professors that you're paying attention and engaged in the class.

Try to Meet People

This can be the scariest part of the first week. But believe me, everyone else is just as nervous and scared as you are. A great way to meet new people and make friends is to show up to classes a little early. Being early means that you'll have time to get ready for the class and meet a few people who are early as well. Maybe you'll walk to class together later in the week.

Go to the Club Showcase

Most clubs table or advertise in the main quad and all across campus during the first week. Try to find a club that does something similar to the clubs you were involved in during high school and don't forget to check out some new clubs. You might find a new interest.

Explore the Area

Try to get off campus and explore the city and surrounding areas of your campus. Maybe you'll find a cool little vintage store, a record shop, or a cool park. You never know what you might find!

If you can't get off campus, explore your campus. There are lots of cool places to hangout right in your "backyard". Who knows, you might find your favorite place to eat or study.

Stay Focused

Even though college is a lot of fun and your first week will be fun-filled, remember that you are a student first. It's extremely vital that you make sure to make time for studying and homework. If you have an event you want to go to, make sure you get your homework done first, so you can have a great time and not worry about the assignment later.

Go to Office Hours

You don't have to be your professors best friend. Shoot, you don't even have to be friends with them at all. But start the year off right by making a visit or appointment with your professors. They will enjoy your visit and feel more inclined to help you out later in the school year.

Get Familiar with Your Syllabi

Your syllabi will be become your best friend. It has all of your assignments, quizzes, and test. Some even have what will be discussed in class. Treat your syllabi with love and be sure to keep it all semester long.

I hope these tips will help you have an amazing first week and school year. Let me know what your plans are for the first week of school.

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