Back to School: Dorm Room Shopping

10:00 AM

Welcome to Part 1 of Becoming Bria's Back to School Series! This series is here to help you get ready for the next chapter of your life. I know how exciting and scary going to college can be, so I hope this series will be of great help. Feel free to comment or email me if you have any pressing questions! Let's get into the post!

It's my favorite time of year again! It's time to Dorm Room Shop! I always get so excited to shop for my dorm because it's a great time to bond with family and get some "retail therapy". In this guide, you'll find some of the best ways to prepare for the shopping and how to save money.

Saving Money

1. Find a Checklist

You can find all kinds of checklist on the internet. Some of my favorite resources for finding them are on Pinterest. But my favorite this year is by Bed Bath and Beyond's. They have an amazing checklist full of things that you knew you would need and things you never thought you would need, which you can find *here. Check some of them out and then print it!

2. Check Off All the Things You Already Own

You will find that many of the things on the list you already own. For example: pillows, blankets, towels, hangers, laundry basket, etc. Check those off because there is no reason to buy new things if you already have them and they're in pretty good shape. Even though a new hamper that matches your bedding sounds great, is it really necessary?

3. Decide What You Really Need

So, now that you've figured out what you already own, now it's time to decide what you really do need. Some of those things might be: Twin XL bedding, a shower caddy, slippers, a tool kit, and so on. Keep in mind that if you have a roommate, you might want to figure out what you'll be sharing or if you need to split the cost of some things such as a mini fridge.

4. Check Your Options

There are many different places to shop for dorm essentials. Some of my personal favorites are:
TJ Maxx
Bed Bath and Beyond
Pottery Barn Teen (PB Teen)

Furthermore, don't rush to buy anything. Take a look at your different options and then make a decision. For example, you wouldn't want to buy the first bedding you see because you might find a better looking one with a better deal.

5. Look for Deals

It may be easy to just buy whatever you see out of excitement, but I would highly suggest taking into consideration how costly dorm room shopping can be. By that I mean, keep in mind how much you spend because you still have things to pay for once the school year begins. Many stores use coupons or have coupon deals on their apps. I usually buy all of my dorm room things from Bed Bath and Beyond and Target; both of which use coupons and have great deals.

6. Don't Overbuy

For most dorm rooms, you don't have a lot of space and keep in mind that you have to move out at the end of the year. Only buy what you really need. Also note that if you buy something and then find out that you don't need it, try to exchange it for something you actually do need. That way you won't have to spend more money than necessary.

Things You Might Not Need

1. Iron and Ironing Board

I found that during my time in college, I've almost never used my iron and ironing board. It's not a major necessity for me. I personally don't mind having wrinkled clothing (which my mom hates). Plus there are other methods for unwrinkling clothing.

2. Scale

Oh the infamous scale of death, as I like to call it. If your school has a gym, you probably won't need a scale. Most gyms have one and a scale is just another way to take up space. If you can go without it, don't buy it or bring it.

3. Closet rod

Closet rods make for more space for your clothing items, but if you have a wardrobe, the rod might be too big. Save yourself the hassle of packing one and try using some other means for organizing and saving space.

4. Lounge Seating and Ottomans

Unless your staying in an apartment style dorm or have a pretty spacious dorm, you probably have no need or use for lounge seating or ottomans. They take up a lot of space and are hard to travel with.

The Dorm Room shopping process can be a complicated or easy. Hopefully with these tips you'll be able to enjoy the process and feel excited about the next chapter of your life.
Have any other tips or comments? Leave me a comment about it. I'd love to keep the conversation going.

*This is NOT a sponsored post. I just really like their checklist. 

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