Tips for Surviving Summer Travel

10:00 AM

It's finally summer! Well, at least for me. After spending the last month being an Orientation Leader for my university, my summer just started about 2 weeks ago. I had plans of traveling, but after spraining my ankle 4 weeks ago those plans are cancelled. But, even though I can't travel doesn't mean you can't!

As someone who has traveled my whole life, I think I'm pretty good at traveling. I'm especially a professional traveler during the summer. In March, I wrote a post all about how to plan a trip for Spring Break and those same tips can apply for summer vacations. This post is more focused on those traveling by air, but many of the tips can be used for other forms of travel. Here are a few easy tips to use that can make traveling more bearable this summer.

Go With the Flow

I've never heard of an easy, stress-free vacation, and I doubt that I ever will. Traveling is full of hiccups and bumps in the road. Although unavoidable, you can help yourself and others by just going with the flow of things. Didn't make it to your flight on time? Just breathe. Someone will help you figure out the next steps. And keep in mind that the next steps might not be ideal but at least there's a plan in motion.

Be Patient

Patience is necessary. If you don't have patience, like myself, traveling will give you the opportunity to be patient. For example, if you are flying to your destination, expect the airport lines to be ridiculously long and slow (which is why they ask everyone to show up earlier to their flights than usual). As a result, be early and prepared to wait in some long lines.

Dress Comfortably

Whether you're traveling for leisure or business. Wear some comfortable clothing. With long lines, flight delays, etc. it would suck to be stuck in an uncomfortable dress or pair of shoes for hours. Wear something you can move around in and bring a jacket. You never know when the AC will be on full blast for hours.

Bring a Fun Activity

Whether you're taking the train, boat, plane, or going on a road trip. You'll get bored (unless you're the one driving). Bring a book to read, try to get some work done, or play games. If you plan on using electronics, don't forget to charge and bring your portable charger.

Stay Hydrated

I cannot stress this enough. It is so important that you stay hydrated, especially if you are going to be in the air for a long time. There are plenty of videos across the internet that talk about how traveling by air can damage your health so an easy way to combat that is to drink water. You can't take water or any liquid through security, so I suggest bringing a reusable bottle with you to fill up as needed. Plus, reusable bottles are good for the environment.

Just Have Fun!

The pre-destination part of traveling isn't usually the fun part of any vacation but there are so many ways to enjoy it. Make the most out of the time you have and just have fun with it. Before you know it you'll be at your destination having the time of your life.

Let me know in the comments what your summer plans are. I'd love to hear about it! 
Until the next post.

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