BecomingBria's 1 Year Anniversary

10:00 AM

It's been a whole year since I decided to face my fears and start a blog. I started this blog with no real intention of it going anywhere or anyone reading it. I mean, I wanted to help other college students but I didn't think that I really could.

In this past year I have posted 16 post, changed my blog name from Mocha and Milk to BecomingBria, started a Twitter, Bloglovin', Instagram, and Email for this blog. Although I have made minor progress, I am still proud of what I have done over the past year. I really want to work harder in taking the time necessary to make this blog into what I know it has the potential to become. I want it to become a real resource for college students and become a business that can lead me to great opportunities such as being on a panel at an event, or having meet and greets with other bloggers and readers. I want this blog to become a major focus of my life once I get my Bachelors degree. I have dreams and goals for Becoming Bria, now I just need to put them into action.

With that said, once again, its been a great year full of growth and change. I look forward to another year here at Becoming Bria.


- Bria

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  1. Congrats on one year! Can't wait to see your blog grow even more than it already has.


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