5 Things To Do Before Leaving For College

10:00 AM

I know that for some students the summer has just started, but now is a great time to start making the pre-college to-do list. There are all sorts of lists and ideas for how to spend your summer before you start the next chapter of your life so, here are some just to name a few!

Visit Family

Before you leave for college, I suggest that you visit as many family members as possible. Especially family members that live further away. Not only is it a great way to travel, it's also a good time to see family that you haven't seen in a while and won't see for a while once you leave for school. Take that time to update them on everything, show some pictures from Graduation, talk about your college and plans.

Start a Blog

Of course there's a bias toward starting a blog seeing as how I'm a blogger myself, but the one thing I regret is that I started a blog after my first year, so I don't have any written material about my first year experience. Don't be like me and find an awesome way to document your experiences and help others as well.

Plan a Going Away Party

Now this tip can be taken the wrong way but I think it's important. A Going-Away party is an easy way to get financial support from family and friends. I know people that threw one and they were able to pay for school without any problems. So, if you're concerned about money or being able to afford textbooks and so on, try putting together one of these. If you do, I'd love to hear about it!

Go Dorm/Apartment Shopping

This is my favorite thing to do! Unfortunately, I won't be doing it this year because I feel like I have everything I need already. I find that shopping during the end of July and all of August is a great time to catch those Back-to-School/College sales. This is also a great time to bond with friends and family! From my experience, my mom and I got really close and had a lot of fun dorm room shopping the last two years.

Just Relax

Ah, my favorite thing. I love relaxing and especially before school starts (because I find that college can be very hectic and I want to be as relaxed and prepared it as possible and you should do the same). A lot of people like to stay busy, but it is important to take time to just relax. Try taking a nap or try soaking in the bath. Whatever floats your relaxation boat!

Now that we've covered 5 things to do before leaving for college, it's time for me to go do these things as well. My summer is coming to a close shortly and I still need to heal my ankle. (I sprained it about 3-4 weeks ago).

So, let me know how you plan on spending your summer or what you want to do before school starts!

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  1. I literally only had a party so I could gifts and money lol. Great tips!
    How did you sprain your ankle?

    Yvanne | https://composedcollected.blogspot.com

    1. Haha Thanks! I actually sprained my ankle trying to learn how to skateboard, but I figure that if I'm going to injured, better to get injured doing something awesome :)


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