3 Tips for Getting Through Midterms

10:00 AM

It's already that time of year again. Midterms...
Midterms can be so draining because, for some of us, the school year just started. No one wants to take a 50 to 100 question test, especially this early in the school year. So to take some of the stress off, here are 3 of my best tips for getting through this tough time! *Plus a bonus tip! 

Make a Study Schedule

Although these aren't actual finals, they can still heavily affect your grades in the long run. The easiest way to make time to study is to actually plan and make the time to do it. If you just say, "I'm going to study at 2pm", 2:30pm will roll around before you know it and nothing will have gotten done. Especially if you're obsessed with Tumblr., like I am. Speaking of Tumblr., here's a link to an awesome blog that makes study schedule printables!

Don't Study on Your Bed

I try so hard to study in my room because my room is such a nice and comfortable, but I just don't get anything done when I do. Before I started writing this post, I tried to write it while I was on the bed and I couldn't do it. I got hit with major writers block, aka my worst enemy. Anyway, your bed can distract you mentally because your brain associates your bed with resting and sleep, making you less productive. Now, this doesn't apply to everyone of course, but most people struggle to study on their beds. Move to your desk or your roommates room to study. Studying with others can be a total productivity boost because you're both getting stuff done. Basically, studying anywhere but your bed can help you get more studying and homework done.

Rethink Your Study Routine

This is a new tip for me! Throughout high school, I kept thinking that I didn't needed to study for anything. Man, was I wrong! A lot of people can get through high school without studying or studying very minimally. The problem is that when people get to college they continue this thinking and continue to struggle in classes. To combat this, try rethinking how you study by trying a new method or two.
For example, try studying based on how you learn! Are you an auditory learner, visual, read-write, or kinesthetic. If you study in a way that accommodates your learning style, you'll retain information better and stress less!

Now its time for the bonus tip! 

Bonus: Try a Study Party

This is a great way to relieve stress and stay productive! Now, you can get super distracted by having a lot of friends over, but if you rent a study room in library or hang out in a place that requires you to be pretty quiet, that will keep you productive. Bring snacks, plenty of water, an awesome playlist, and get to studying!

Now that's it for the tips this time around. But check out of a few of my other tips on my blog! Also, let me know how midterms are going or how you plan on studying. Catch you in the next post!

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