Guide to Preparing For Spring Break Early

10:00 AM

Now, I know that Spring Break for most people isn't for another month, but it's never too early to start planning ahead of time. As a world traveler, these are the tips I use when I'm traveling. With that said, no matter where you're going or how you're going to spend it, planning will relieve some of the stress. Here I'm going to show you how to start planning!

Pick Your Destination

Where do you want to go? Some where warm, rainy, tropical, cold? Maybe you want to go back home for a week or a few days? There are a lot of options out there, you just have to decide. Can't pick a place? Try a randomizer website like

Start Saving Money

Almost no trips are ever free, unless you're really lucky. Now that you're starting your planning early, you should have enough time to set aside some money. I would say that the amount doesn't matter but if you want to spend big, save big.

Create a Budget

Now that you know where you want to go, start deciding how much you want to spend. You can find all kinds of vacation budget sheets on websites like Pinterest. Most of the budget sheets will ask what you max amount to spend is. Do you want to shop a lot? Are you planning on staying with a friend or in a hotel? Start knowing what you want, so your budget can work with it.

How Are Your Going To Get There

This is where most of your money from your savings will go. Are you taking a plane, train, car, or walking? Okay, so maybe not walking, but figuring out your transportation is really important because this tends to be the most expensive part. Plus the earlier you purchase, the cheaper the ticket (sometimes). No matter which way you decide, pick it early enough so you can secure your spot.

Travel Partners

Nothing like spending your Spring Break with friends. You spent Valentine's Day with them, now it's time to spend Spring Break with them too! You can also try spending your Spring Break with someone you haven't seen in a while or a good friend from back home. Not matter who you chose, make sure their up for having a good time!

Pick Landmarks to Visit

If you are going to a new place that you have never been to before, you might want to check out some of the local hot spots. There could be an awesome restaurant with your favorite food or something new for you to try. You never know!

Be Ready to Take Off

Pack your bags a week early as you keep an eye out on weather. Weather changes so rapidly and apps are never that accurate so if you pack a week early, you'll have a more precise weather estimate. Furthermore, on the day that you're leaving for your vacation be ready to leave about an hour early. Especially is you plan on flying. Traffic is always inevitable.
Also, here's a little packing tip: always pack an umbrella! You never know when it will rain.

I hope this short guide helped you out! These are my real 7 lucky tips that I use every time travel. I normally fly a lot but I tried to make this a universal as possible. In case you were wondering, I'm going to Baton Rouge, Louisana for Spring Break. Anyway, feel free to let me know what your plans are for Spring Break!

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