College Budget Friendly Ideas for Valentine's Day with Friends

10:00 AM

There are more than 7 billion people on the earth and you still don't have a love interest to spend Valentine's Day with. As sad as that might sound, not to worry though, because you don't have to be alone this year! As it happens, your best friend doesn't have one either! So why not spend it together?

I know that your best friend can't make up for spending the big V Day without a significant other but, they sure can come close. Here are a few things you can do with your bestie or a group of friends!

Make Food for Each Other

Who doesn't love food? Especially on "Single Awareness Day", as some people call it. Indulge in your favorite foods and deserts without feeling the guilt because your best friend is doing it too. Maybe invite some other people over and have big pot luck!

Catch a Movie

Netflix and Hulu are great for when you want to unwind, but not as good when you might be feeling a little down or lonely. Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to go see that movie you've seen ads for the last couple of weeks.

Take a Short Road Trip

Haven't been to that really awesome city that's about an hour or two away? Go! Spend some time exploring a new place and taking your mind off the everyday stresses of the work week. Maybe you'll find a cute, little restaurant to come back to in the future.

Go Shopping

Retail therapy can be the best kind of therapy. And if your budget is on the smaller side, try window shopping. You can even check ahead of time to see what stores are having V-Day Sales.

At-Home Spa Treatment

Take advantage of this day by doing your own facials, nails, hair, etc. Why spend the money on a professional when a friend of yours knows how to do nails. Check stores like ULTA or Daiso for, some cheap but great, Spa Day necessities.

Watch Some Game Playthroughs

Personally, I love passing the time watching game playthrough series on YouTube. Some of my favorites are Life is Strange, Undertale, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead. Most of these take about more than 3 hours to finish. A great way to save money on going to the movies!

There are many more ideas out there on the internet but these are the ones that I could find. Try a few out or come up with your own. Let me know how you plan on spending your Valentine's Day in the comments. 

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