How to Keep Your G.P.A High

10:00 AM

I would say that G.P.A is not the most important part of high school or college, but it does hold a good amount of weight in regards to each person's future. For example, it can dictate if and what school a person can get into. Whether you are trying to get into college or are already in college, here are some tips that have helped me get and keep a high G.P.A.

Go To Class

This is the simplest tip I can give. You need to go to class. Even if the teacher doesn't actually teach or the class is too far away or attendance is not required. Just go! Attending class can give you hints and tips on how to complete assignments or tests with a high grade. Because who knows how to pass a class better than the teacher?

Take School Seriously

This is especially geared towards those that are in college. I understand that the first few years of legal adulthood is spent living it up going to parties or on random late night trips. (All of which I have done...). But you need to remember why you are in school. I'm pretty sure having fun isn't the only reason.

Also, for many students, this education costs a pretty penny. The worst thing you can do is fail your classes or end up on academic probation when someone else's, or your own money is on the line.

Now for high school, middle school, or so on, if you want to attend a university or college, you need to do well in high school first. How you do in high school can dictate what school you get into, how much financial aid you can receive (scholarships included), and what classes you can take. Therefore, my biggest suggestion to you is to take it seriously, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it as well.

Stay Organized

An important part of keeping a high G.P.A is staying organized. By this I mean, don't just get organized, work hard toward staying organized. Keep your homework in folders, save previous work, use a planner, make daily, weekly, or monthly to-do list, and so on. Doing this is a great way to prepare for assignments later on in the semester and can help you prepare for a final test or paper.

If you are looking for some ways to get organized check out my Tumblr. and Pinterest for more tips from myself and others.

Create Good Relationships with Professors

Approaching professors can be extremely nerve-wracking for many students. Which is understandable, but it doesn't hurt to try. We all have one professor or teacher that we absolutely love, which is great! Spend some time during the semester working on that relationship. Keep them updated on how your educational journey is going and feel free to stop by their class or office to say hi.

If you get nervous from the idea of talking to a professor or teacher outside of class, try to email them or work toward gaining the courage and strength to spark up a conversation with them.

And remember, they are there to help support you in your future endeavors, not bring you down. But if you do encounter a professor or teacher that you don't work well with, no worries. You don't have to be friends or even get along with all of your professors or teachers.

Try Different Things and Find What Works For You

Although I'd like to think that I've given some great tips today, they may not work for everyone. Therefore, I really advocate trying new and different things as much as possible in order to find a way that works for each person. Also, these are just a few different things that I have done in order to get and keep my G.P.A high.

Do Your Best

What I want everyone to take away from this is to just do the best you can. Getting and maintaining a high G.P.A comes at a cost. High stress and little time for one's self. It's a sacrifice, but it doesn't have to make you miserable. So, again, do the best you can and I'll leave you with my favorite quote:

"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed." - Chinese Proverb

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