Reasons Why Bullet Journaling Doesn't Work

10:00 AM

I love planners and I love planning. I've tried many different types of planners, including the Bullet Journal. The aesthetics of bullet journaling is so wonderful. It allows for such creativity and freedom. Check out my Tumblr. for some Bujo inspiration. Unfortunately, this system doesn't work for me.

Now, some major Bujo (the shorter and combined version of Bullet Journal) fans and users might say, "Maybe you just haven't found a routine or layout that works for you?" This is very true, I haven't. On a negative note, I probably never will mostly because I'm officially done trying to make Bullet Journaling work for me. Here a few good reasons why I don't Bullet Journal.

There is no REAL Structure

Bullet Journaling is great because it allows the user to find a system within it that works for them. It also allows for major customization. These are all great, but this doesn't work for someone like me.
I'm a perfectionist by nature, therefore, having the freedom to mess up and not tear up the page when I do drives me bonkers! If the line isn't right, or the ink bleeds through the page, or I come up with some better layout, I'm stuck with what I already made. I just don't like that.
Also, I'm just used to regular, structured, already made planners.

Too Much Memorization

In a Bujo, you can have a page dedicated to how many cups of water you drink in a day. That can be really helpful for some, but that is just too much to keep track of. I already struggle to remember what homework is due, so I highly doubt I can remember what I ate, spent my money on, or how much I drank in a day.

I Can't Plan Ahead

As much as the saying, "Live in the moment" is true and great, it's not realistic. Personally, and like many others, I have a lot to juggle and stay on top of. Examples are 2 jobs, 4-5 classes, a blog, family life, friends, eating, sleeping, staying hydrated, etc. I need to plan a lot of things ahead of time. I can't do this with a bujo because I don't know how many pages I will need for other important things. It's too difficult to keep up with for someone as busy as I am.

Final Thoughts

I feel like this post was quite negative, so I want to clarify some things before I end this post.

- I understand that I might have to change my lifestyle in order to use a Bujo.

Believe me, I get it. But it's just not something I can do right now. I am more than willing to try again in the future.

- Just because it doesn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you.

In all honesty, I really love the idea of bullet journaling. It can provide so much freedom and flexibility for others, and it can allow someone to be creative in their own way. So, if you've been thinking about trying it, please do! And let me know how it goes, I would love to hear about it.

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